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photo: cbs
The Good Wife

Original Air Date: Jan 31, 2016

Patricia Morris Buckley – Sr. Staff Writer

A lot of groundwork from earlier in season paid off in this episode. Here’s a look at what happened:

  • Alicia was still in a funk over the voicemail from Will that Eli erased until she has a big cathartic moment hugging Lucca, who admits that Alicia may be her only friend (why does this make me like Lucca more?).
  • Jason comes back early with a gift and a twinkle in his eye, only to be brushed off by the depressed Alicia. Then the waterworks scene with Lucca happens and before you know it, Alicia plants a wet one on the tres sexy investigator — in the elevator, no less!
  • Alicia and Lucca try to help a former client who is being unjustly held in jail and, after deciding to sue the bond court judge, they get sued for $1 million malpractice. Ooops— their malpractice insurance is only $300,000.
  • Cary represents the all-female firm and then invites them back to Lockhart, Agos and Lee. Lucca doesn’t want to. But if they don’t, how can they survive the devastating financial hit?
  • Diane also wants Jason—professionally, that is – after he helps her win a case against a private college that wants to shut down its newspaper. The job comes with an office, she enticed. But after the SMOOCH, it looks like Jason is staying freelance.
  • Eli comes by the apartment and gives one of the most heartfelt speeches ever on this show. Seriously, it had me sniffling. Damn you Alan Cummings for being so blasted good. Seems Alicia liked it because — shocking – she forgives him! Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

Wow – Lucca’s hugs must be all powerful.

Has Alicia finally put Will behind her? Are you glad she finally has a friend she’s willing to be in a scene with? Are the two new besties going to jump ship and return to the mother planet? Give us your TwoCents…