The Good Wife

Original Air Date: May 1, 2016

Patricia Morris Buckley —Sr. Staff Writer

One more episode left. Can you believe it? Will any loyal fans have dry eyes next week?

This episode was all about Peter’s trial and Alicia still playing the good wife, which is driving Jason crazy. Here’s my wild theory after this week’s therapy session — Peter is innocent, but there are a lot of people with a grudge who are taking this opportunity to get revenge. Why else would a group of people write affidavits that he had an affair with someone he says he didn’t sleep with (and this time, I believe him)?

A lot of people are getting hurt in the action. Diane asks her hubby Kurt to testify and he looks like a fool after. Cary’s name gets dragged in, so he breaks his silence (which he promised if no one implicated him) and gives some damning testimony.

So what is his team left with? Letting Peter testify. Alicia preps him and it’s hard to tell when she’s the attorney and when she’s the scorned wife. Oh wait — it’s when he gets angry and screams about her sleeping with Will and Jason (like he has any right!!!).

Finally he’s given a deal – two years. But just as he decides to take it, the jury comes back. And we have to wait until next week to find out if his 12 peers are sending him to prison or back to the governor’s mansion.

Jason thinks if Peter is found guilty, Alicia will stay married to get him through it. But Alicia’s having trouble wrapping her head around Jason’s “I want you, but I will need to move soon” proposal. Maybe she’ll have to get out of town after everything going down.

I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want to see her continuing to be “the good wife.” She’s grown so much, but has she grown enough? What do you think about the rumors that Will will return for the series finale? Is Peter innocent? Gives us your TwoCents…