Katee Sackhoff
Katee Sackhoff
…Katee Sackhoff, Actor

Katee Sackhoff is known to all Battlestar Galactica fans as their beloved Starbuck! Katee and the gang returned to TV this past Friday (read TwoCents review of the premiere) to start off this final season of the show.

Katee was able to find some time to speak with our Head Writer, Jon Gus, recently and here are Katee’s Two Cents & Five Answers. Enjoy.

TwoCents: Hi Katee. Thanks so much for taking the time to speak with us this morning.

TwoCents: Ron Moore (show creator) has said that he’s not interested in doing a Battlestar feature film. Do you think you could change his mind and if so would you be interested in doing that film?
Katee Sackhoff: No, I wouldn’t want to change his mind. I think he’s right.

TC: Okay, there’s nothing…
KS: Yeah, you know, he said it best at the PCA (Paley Festival), I don’t know if you were there but or got that but what he said was that what would end up happening is that you would have to focus on, you know, one or two characters and, you know, what’s so brilliant is that it’s been a four year movie and the time to tell these stories about each person individually and really have you become invested in those characters and to do a two hour movie or a one and a half hour movie I think takes away from that what we’ve been able to do for so long, you know, it really does take away. I mean, I don’t, you know, how do you pick which two characters and when you pick those two characters are you going to flip off the other 17 main characters on the show, like how do you define, you know, what to do.

I think he’s right, you know, plus at the same time, you know, as a performer — excuse me, sorry, sorry, I’m downstairs in the lobby here — I think that, you know, I don’t know, plus like whatever I was going to say is that when I even actually am done with the show, I’m done with the show. I – you know, as much as I love the job or don’t love the job the last thing I want to do is come back and do it again, when I’ve already done it. Granted, you know, talk to me in five years if I haven’t worked. We’ll see. But, you know, as of right now I have no desire to do it – to do a movie.

Q: If you were in total control of how your character ended up toward the end of this last season, what would you have your character – how would you have your character go out if you don’t know…
KS: Die.

Q: You’d like to have her die? How would you like to have her die?
KS: I don’t know. Maybe something will blow up again on the ship. I don’t know. I just, I don’t that there is anyway to end it with her being happy. You know, what I do wish for her is peace, you know, in whatever form that comes in I’ll be happy with it. But that’s what I want. I want for her to finally have a sense of calm in her life. That would be very interesting and whether it comes with death or, you know, some kind of transcendence of some sort, whatever happens that’s what I want for her.

Q: With no Bionic Woman, what’s next for you? Are you looking for another action role?
KS: Oh God I don’t know what’s next. That’s the joy of it. You know, do I want to play a character just like, you know, Sarah Corvus or Starbuck? No. You know, I’ve already done it. I’m, you know, looking for things that are complete opposite from those two characters. Whether or not if people give me the opportunity to do that, you know, I don’t know but what’s interesting is five years ago I couldn’t get anyone to think I was, you know, tough and now I can’t get anyone to think of me as the way they did five years ago.

TC: Great, well thank you so much Katee.
KS: Thank you.

Huge appreciation out to Katee Sackhoff for her time with us. Look for Battlestar Galactica on SciFi every Friday night.