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Romantic Expressionism

Original Air Date: Feb 4 2010

Brittany D. – Staff Writer

It’s almost Valentine’s day, so you know what that means – it’s time for lovey dovey couple centered story lines. Of course, Community isn’t immune, but I have faith that they’ll be handling this with the utmost humor.

Annie is talking to Vaughn, (‘Micro Nipples’) and flirting up a storm which Britta and Jeff witness. Annie asks for permission from Britta because of the whole ‘code’ thing about dating friend’s exes. Britta asks what happened to her crush on Troy but apparently that’s on the rocks (which happened when Troy grabbed her hand, but had mistaken her for Abed.). Britta gives her blessing in an awkward high five that turns into the snake. She then goes to Jeff who tells her that she was supposed to say no, because he and Britta are like the parents of study group, and should have said no to letting her date a class A douchebag who will lead to other dating disasters like Star Burns.

Britta and Joel stumble upon Vaughn and Annie, and Jeff decides they have to stop the relationship. Britta disagrees until Star Burns makes the comment that Annie just made it to the top of his ‘to do’ list. Jeff’s plan is to make Troy a viable option for Annie again, and Britta concurs. They both ambush Troy telling him that Annie is sexy, but he says he doesn’t see it probably because he witnessed her whole high school melt down. Jeff whispers something to him that we can’t hear, but it ends with Troy saying he’ll give her a chance. The scene ends with Troy exasperating: “I have the weirdest boner.”

Later, Troy approaches Annie and puts the moves on her when Vaughn walks in. Annie is forced to admit that she’s had feelings for Troy since high school but that she is over him. But Vaughn doesn’t believe her on the basis that Britta shared his poem with Jeff and it got passed around study group. Satisfied that Vaughn’s out of the picture, Troy tells Annie “Let’s do this. Red Shoe Diaries. I think you know I got a thing with butt…” and he’s cut off as he realizes she’s gone. Thank God. However, he did let it slip that this was Britta and Jeff’s idea, and before the two of them can get too comfortable in their success, Annie yells at them for meddling in her love life.

The next day, Britta and Jeff attempt to apologize, but Annie doesn’t accept it, then Britta says that she was NOT happy about Annie dating Vaughn. Jeff points out that they’re all potential sexual partners and there’s a weird tension as they all look at each other, most notably Jeff and Annie, Pierce and Shirley and of course Britta and Jeff. Vaughn shows up with his guitar outside of the library and sings Annie’s Song which is very sweet, declaring how much he likes her. Britta finally gives her official blessing.

Shirley is invited to Abed and Troy’s bad movie watching night. Pierce invites himself, but Troy tells him he’d probably rather lie in his twin bed and think about what he used to be. However, once the night starts Pierce is there, along with Senor Chang who has been invited by Abed. The movie begins with a nuclear war that happened in 2006. Funny quips are made, zingers left and right, but Pierce fails horribly at being witty. His last attempt is a zing at Asians: “Can’t direct, can’t drive” and Senor Chang is annoyed. Pierce invites himself over for future movies, promising to be funnier.

Pierce gets his hands on the next movie in advance and is sitting with the school’s sketch comedy club trying to come up with one liners. The winner for him is a gay joke. Let’s see how this goes, shall we? Pierce starts reciting jokes and everyone catches on immediately then tears into them all. Abed points out that he’s just not funny, when Pierce goes to leave and falls down. That gets the biggest laugh of the night which Pierce sees as a success.

I LOVED this episode, and Troy had so many one liners! I wasn’t crazy about the Annie and Vaughn story line, but that’s just because I’m biased. But it is the season of love, so out of sheer curiosity, if you had to pair two people together on this show, who would they be? Leave me your Two Cents in the comments!

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